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India, il tempio rupestre di Ravanaphadi

INDIA. AIHOLE – IL TEMPIO RUPESTRE RAVANAPHADI – Del 6° secolo è un tempio rupestre dedicato a Shiva. La grotta si trova alla fine di una piana, è scavata nella parete ovest di un enorme sperone roccioso a nord-ovest del villaggio di Aihole

ed è incass...

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Lecce, il tempio di Iside nell’antica Lupiae

Chi visita Lecce è abbagliato dal suo aspetto più immediato e fragoroso, il barocco, che ne ha plasmato l’immagine. Ma dietro la facciata di questa città, come spesso accade ai suoi abitanti, di cui lo studioso ottocentesco Cosimo De Giorgi diceva si preoccupassero appunto un pò troppo dell’esteriore, c’è un piccolo mondo antico la cui storia è ugualmente importante.

Accade così che, ...

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India, il tempio di Bhatkal

Bhatkal is a small town on the west coast of Karnataka, 35 km south of Honnavar, which boasts many historical remains. “Today its port serves mainly for fishing boats, but in the 1400 – 1500 AD it was a strong point of the Vijayanagar empire who needed good horses to maintain its military supremacy. Since Indian horses were of poor quality,

the e...

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India, le meraviglie di Avani

AVANI is a small village 15 km from Mulbagal and 20 km from Kotilingeshwara in Kolar district, Karnataka. Once known as Avantika – Kshetra, the word ‘Avani’ has Sanskrit origins and means `Earth ‘, and, given that the goddess Sita is also called` Avanisuta’ or ‘daughter of the earth’, the name is used in many parts of ‘India as a woman’s name. At one time the village was known as Aavanya and was under Prince Ganga Muttarasa Madhava, who ruled several districts. Avani Sthana continued to survive as a religious establishment from 9th to ’11th century under Shaivite Nolambas, a dynasty subject to Jain Gangas who controlled Nolambapadi area consists of city of Tumkur, Chitradurga, Kolar, Bellary, Bangalore and parts of Salem and Arcot...

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Il tempio rupestre di Varaha Perumal in India

MAMALLAPURAM is a little town of Kanchipuram district in the state of Tamil Nadu, about 60 km south of Chennai city. It ‘also known by other names: Mamallapattana and Mahabalipuram. According to local guides, the site name has changed over the centuries. The first name was Kaţalmalai which means “The land between the mountains and the sea” in Tamil.

The name Mamalla...

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