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India, il tempio rupestre di Ravanaphadi

INDIA. AIHOLE – IL TEMPIO RUPESTRE RAVANAPHADI – Del 6° secolo è un tempio rupestre dedicato a Shiva. La grotta si trova alla fine di una piana, è scavata nella parete ovest di un enorme sperone roccioso a nord-ovest del villaggio di Aihole

ed è incass...

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The ceiling of the early Calukya temples of Aihole

1 – AIHOLE, 26 km from Hungund (KA) is one of the most important places in the art history of Karnataka. The city was known as Āryapura, Ayyavoḷe, and was an Agraharam (Brahmin quarter) during the Early Chalukya kingdom.
1 – AIHOLE, a 26 km da Hungund è uno dei luoghi più importanti della storia dell’arte del Karnataka. La città era conosciuta come Āryapura, Ayyavoḷe, ed era un Agraharam (quartiere dei Bramini) durante il regno Early Chalukya.

2 – Now Aihole is...

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Hoysala, incredible India

When naming the Hoysala dynasty, I always hear the beautiful temples of their capitals, but now you look at these photos and then answer: we are not facing a beauty like that of Belur and Halebiddu?
Quando si nomina la dinastia Hoysala io sento sempre citare i bellissimi templi delle loro capitali,

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The CHANDRAMOULESHWARA TEMPLE (Kalyani Chalukya, 12th century) in Unkal (KA) is central plan and Greek cross. The strange thing is that this type of temple is typical Jain, while this shrine is Hindu.

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India, wonderful reddis dynasty

Beautiful are the temples that the Reddis realized in Ghanpur (Ghampur, or Ghanapur), as well as in Palampet, during the Kakatya domination of Warangal, around 1250 AD.

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